Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Book Tag

Happy Valentine's Day! Naturally, I'm single. And sick. But it's the day of love, and I do like the idea of Valentine's Day because I'm more of a romantic than I come across as I'm sure. 

That being said, I hate romance books. I don't know, I've tried to read romance and I just find it really boring and repetitive. Usually, romance novels are like 400 pages and when all the book is about is two people falling in love those 400 pages feel more like 800 pages. So for the sake of my sanity, I mostly stay away from the genre. Still, I wanted to find a nice romantic book tag for the day of love (which also happens to fall on a Tuesday!) so I searched for one and ended up combining two, one from Little Book Owl and one from Jo Readsbooks. The links to both those videos are there if you just click on their names. 

1. Favourite basic romance plot

Not sure what you mean by "basic romance plot", but if I generally like twisted love stories or romances that end badly. Especially when one (or both) die. I just find them more interesting than most romances, which I find utterly boring. Give me tales of obsession, of dark love any day over fluff. I'm also a sucker for that whole Romeo and Juliet plot, as well as enemies falling in love but being too unable to compromise their principles to be together.

2. Favourite classic romance
Probably Wuthering Heights. Although, I don't like Catherine and Heathcliff because I don't really like Heathcliff, I prefer Cathy and Hareton. But I loved Wuthering Heights, even if I don't really like a lot of Regency/Victorian romances. It was so dark and the story was really unique, so the plot just stuck with me. I would say The Great Gatsby for this as well, but I personally don't consider it a love story, more of a warning against the whole idea of the American Dream.

3. Favourite feel good romance
I don't have one? I really don't like romance. At all. Let's just go with I Am the Messenger, since that book is usually my go-to feel-good book. Of course, it also makes me cry, too. Damn.

4. Favourite sad romance
Several,  but I'd like to call specific attention towards the love story in The Tsar of Love and Techno. Galina and Koyla broke my heart, especially because of how much they genuinely cared for each other and yet they couldn't work out, because Koyla was dead and Galina married. Honestly, this book needs more attention, for such a late book to have read it still managed to become my second favorite book of 2016 and one of my favorite books of all time.

5. Favourite genre to add romance to
I don't usually like romance, but I feel like for the most part I need it in fantasy or sci-fi because that's usually the best way for me to get attached to characters. Provided, of course, that the romance is a side plot- I hate romance as the main plot.

6. Least favourite romance of all time
Probably Wavy and Kellen from All the Ugly and Wonderful Things. Reminded me of Lolita, but without the obvious condemning of such relationships. Frankly, this book could have been marketed as a Lolita retelling.

7. Favourite literary couple in general
Said this in my OTP tag but Connor Lassiter and Risa Ward from the Unwind series. This couple has been through hell and back both apart and together and I just want them to stay together and live happily ever after.

8. If you could have one literary significant other, who would it be?
Actually, I have like 4. I would be perfectly happy with any of these boys.
Ed Kennedy from I Am the Messenger- though I would also take Cameron Wolfe. 
Aaron Rowe from The Dead I Know (obscure one)
Alexei Kalugin from The Tsar of Love and Techno (newest one)
Connor Lassiter from Unwind (longest crush- been in love with this boy since the 7th grade)

9. Relationship that never happened - You wanted them to get together but they never did. 
I also said this in my OTP tag but Nick the Chocolate Monster and Mary Hightower (from the Skinjacker trilogy) never actually ended up together and that almost broke my heart.

10. Favorite love triangle
I don't read a lot of books with love triangles, but Alina, Mal, and The Darkling (the Grisha trilogy), in my opinion, had the best done love triangle. There was almost no relationship angst, and I would have been happy regardless of who she ended up with.

11. Favorite tragic love story - like Romeo & Juliet - no spoilers! - A couple whose relationship was cut tragically short
How could I not chose Rudy Steiner and Liesel Meminger? I had to think about this question a bit, because I love so many tragic love stories, but this one just made my heart ache. It ended before it could properly begin.

Sorry about the lack of pictures; I might go back and edit pictures in later, but right now I'm exhausted from, you know, being sick. What are so of your favorite romances? Comment down below and tell me. I'm always curious to hear your opinions, even if they don't match mine.

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